Statistical Resources
Balance of Payments Statistics
From the International Monetary Fund, includes full-text statistical data from 1996 –present on total goods, services, factor income, and current transfers an economy receives from or provides to the rest of the world, capital transfers and changes in each economy’s external financial claims and liabilities and world totals of balance of payments components and aggregates. To download data, authorized users are required to create a free personal account.
CountryData offers economic, financial, political and social data for over 140 countries, in most cases back to 1984. CountryData is also the only source for current and historical risk ratings for both the Political Risk Services and International Country Risk Guide rating systems.
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Data-Planet Statistical Datasets
Download latest version of Java to use this resource. Access to more than 14 billion data points from licensed and public domain datasets, including time series data. Ability to select subjects and variables of interest, and view your data in side-by-side tables and charts, perform basic statistical analysis of results using the Calculator tool or apply to your data one of 13 mathematical functions. Data are available on the day of public release. Print data in any one of several display modes, capture your data in a PDF, or download data in Excel or comma-delimited format. Includes EASI demographic data and the China Data Center.
International Financial Statistics
From the International Monetary Fund, includes full-text statistical data from 1996-present on exchange rates, international liquidity, international interest rates, prices, national accounts, and international transactions (including balance of payments and international investment positions. To download data, authorized users are required to create a free personal account.
Access to statistics produced by the U.S. government, major international and intergovernmental organizations, professional and trade organizations, state government agencies, and universities.
World Development Indicators Online
World Bank database provides direct access to more than 550 development indicators, with time series for 200 countries and 18 country groups from 1960, where data are available. Data export options in Excel or ASCII.