Wikis > Introduction to Policy Design > Readings on Policy Design, Instruments and Tools

Bobrow, D. B. and J. S. Dryzek. 1987. Policy Analysis by Design. Pittsburgh, PA:
University of Pittsburgh Press.
Bressers, H. T. A. and L. J. O’Toole. 1998. ‘The Selection of Policy Instruments: A
Network-based Perspective’. Journal of Public Policy 18, no. 3: 213–39.
—— 2005. ‘Instrument Selection and Implementation in a Networked Context’. In
Designing Government: From Instruments to Governance, ed. P. Eliadis, M. Hill
and M. Howlett. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 132–53.
Dryzek, John. 1983. ‘Don’t Toss Coins in Garbage Cans: A Prologue to Policy Design’.
Journal of Public Policy 3, no. 4: 345–67.
Dryzek, J. S. and B. Ripley. 1988. ‘The Ambitions of Policy Design’. Policy Studies
Review 7, no. 4: 705–19.
Dye, T. R. 1972. Understanding Public Policy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Hill, M. and P. Hupe. 2002. Implementing Public Policy: Governance in Theory and
Practice. London: Sage Publications.
—— 2003. ‘The Multi-Layer Problem in Implementation Research’. Public Management
Review 5, no. 4: 471–90.
—— 2006. ‘Analysing Policy Processes as Multiple Governance: Accountability in Social
Policy’. Policy and Politics 34, no. 3: 557–73.
Howlett, M. 2000. ‘Managing the “Hollow State”: Procedural Policy Instruments and
Modern Governance’. Canadian Public Administration 43, no. 4: 412–31.

Howlett, M. 2005. ‘What is a Policy Instrument? Policy Tools, Policy Mixes and Policy
Implementation Styles’. In Designing Government: From Instruments to
Governance, ed. P. Eliadis, M. Hill and M. Howlett. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 31–50.
Lasswell, H. D. 1956. The Decision Process: Seven Categories of Functional Analysis.
College Park, MD: University of Maryland Press.
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Linder, S. H. and B. G. Peters. 1984. ‘From Social Theory to Policy Design’. Journal of
Public Policy 4, no. 3: 237–59.
—— 1988. ‘The Analysis of Design or the Design of Analysis?’ Policy Studies Review
7, no. 4: 738–50.
—— 1990a. ‘Policy Formulation and the Challenge of Conscious Design’. Evaluation
and Program Planning 13: 303–11.
—— 1990b. ‘Research Perspectives on the Design of Public Policy: Implementation,
Formulation, and Design’. In Implementation and the Policy Process: Opening up
the Black Box, ed. D. J. Palumbo and D. J. Calista. New York: Greenwood Press,
——1990c. ‘The Design of Instruments for Public Policy’. In Policy Theory and Policy
Evaluation: Concepts, Knowledge, Causes, and Norms, ed. S. S. Nagel, 103–19.
New York: Greenwood Press.
—— 1991. ‘The Logic of Public Policy Design: Linking Policy Actors and Plausible
Instruments’. Knowledge in Society 4: 125–51.
—— 1992. ‘A Metatheoretic Analysis of Policy Design’. In Advances in Policy Studies
Since 1950, ed. W. N. Dunn and R. M. Kelly. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Publishers, 201–38.
Weimer, D. L. 1992. ‘The Craft of Policy Design: Can It Be More Than Art?’ Policy
Studies Review 11, no. 3/4: 370–88.
—— 1993. ‘The Current State of Design Craft: Borrowing, Tinkering, and Problem
Solving’. Public Administration Review 53, no. 2 (April): 110–20.