Revision for “Stakeholder model” created on October 31, 2013 @ 22:23:47
Stakeholder model
The Stakeholder model: In this model, the opinion and concerns of diverse stakeholders operate as merit criteria for the policy intervention. Stakeholders in this case are defined as groups or individuals that hold a stake in the policy intervention itself or its outcomes. Though similar to the client-oriented model, the stakeholder model has a larger scope as it targets all stakeholders, not just specific client groups. Stakeholder evaluation can be conducted by an evaluation team of the stakeholders themselves, or a team of evaluators who can obtain the stakeholder’s views after identifying the key stakeholders. This process can be complex and tedious and can take several rounds of consultations, deliberations and debates. The stakeholder model can help in identifying matters relevant to the policy intervention along with identification of potential unanticipated side –effects and consensus building for agreement on policy proposals and action. The key drawback is that this model can be extremely resource intensive sometimes depending on the level of stakeholder interactions required. Additionally in situations where stakeholders cannot be clearly identified and all of them are treated as equals even though their stakes might be different, the use of this model might not be convenient or even justified.