Revision for “Readings on Understanding Contemporary policy design” created on October 31, 2013 @ 11:50:39

Readings on Understanding Contemporary policy design
<p>Agranoff, R. and M. McGuire. 2001. ‘Big Questions in Public Network Management<br />Research’. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 11, no. 3:<br />295–326.<br />Bernstein, M. H. 1955. Regulating Business by Independent Commission. Princeton,<br />NJ: Princeton University Press.<br />Bingham, L. B., T. Nabatchi and R. O’Leary. 2005. ‘The New Governance: Practices<br />and processes for Stakeholder and Citizen Participation in the Work of<br />Government’. Public Administration Review 65, no. 5: 547–58.<br />Brown, D. S. 1955. ‘The Public Advisory Board as an Instrument of Government’. Public<br />Administration Review 15: 196–201.<br />Brown-John, C. L. 1979. ‘Advisory Agencies in Canada: An Introduction’. Canadian<br />Public Administration 22, no. 1: 72–91.<br />Derthick, M. and P. J. Quirk. 1985. The Politics of Deregulation. Washington, DC:<br />Brookings Institution.<br />Dion, L. 1973. ‘The Politics of Consultation’. Government and Opposition 8, no. 3:<br />332–53.<br />Eisner, M. A. 1994. ‘Discovering Patterns in Regulatory History: Continuity, Change<br />and Regulatory Regimes’. Journal of Policy History 6, no. 2: 157–87.<br />Hammond, T. H. and J. H. Knott. 1988. ‘The Deregulatory Snowball: Explaining<br />Deregulation in the Financial Industry’. Journal of Politics 50, no. 1: 3–30.<br />Howard, C. 1993. ‘The Hidden Side of the American Welfare States’. Political Science<br />Quarterly 108, no. 3: 403–36.<br />Howard, C. 2002. ‘Tax Expenditures’. In The Tools of Government: A Guide to the<br />New Governance ed. L. M. Salamon. New York: Oxford University Press, 410–44.<br />Jordana, J. and D. Levi-Faur. 2004. ‘The Politics of Regulation in the Age of<br />Governance’. In The Politics of Regulation: Institutions and Regulatory Reforms<br />for the Age of Governance. eds. J. Jordana and D. Lovi-Faur, Cheltenham:<br />Edward Elgar, 1–28.<br />Kamerman, S. B. and A. J. Kahn. 1989. Privatization and the Welfare State. Princeton,<br />NJ: Princeton University Press.<br />Libecap, G. D. 1986. ‘Deregulation as an Instrument in Industrial Policy: Comment’.<br />Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 142: 70–74.<br />Moran, M. 2002. ‘Review Article: Understanding the Regulatory State’. British Journal<br />of Political Science 32, no. 2: 391–413.<br />Peters, B. G. and J. Pierre. 2000. ‘Citizens Versus the New Public Manager: The Problem<br />of Mutual Empowerment’. Administration and Society 32, no. 1: 9–28.<br />Phillips, J., B. Chapman and D. Stevens. (eds) 2001. Between State and Market: Essays<br />on Charities Law and Policy in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.<br />Phillips, S. D. 2001. ‘From Charity to Clarity: Reinventing Federal Government-<br />Voluntary Sector Relationships’. In How Ottawa Spends 2001–2002: Power in<br />Transition. ed. L. A. Pal Toronto: Oxford University Press, 145–76.<br />Rhodes, R. A. W. 1994. ‘The Hollowing Out of the State: The Changing Nature of the<br />Public Service in Britain’. The Political Quarterly 65, no. 2: 138–51.</p>
<p>Smith, T. B. 1977. ‘Advisory Committees in the Public Policy Process’. International<br />Review of Administrative Sciences 43, no. 2: 153–66.<br />Stigler, G. J. 1975. The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation. Chicago: University<br />of Chicago Press.<br />Vogel, D. 2005. The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate Social<br />Responsibility. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.</p>

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